Monday, February 13, 2012

Ruler Height Board

So, for those who have received the vinyl for the height boards (Deon, yours is on coming) here is what I envisioned. But you can do it however you want. I changed the font for my name because the other one seemed too small, so if you want new font for your name let me know and I will send it to you.
I promised myself that if I was spending time on Pintrest, I had to finish at least one thing a week that I pinned. So this is one of my projects. I have also made multiple meals from pintrest too. Also, I cleaned my stove pans with a tip I learned there. Do I sound like I am trying to justify spending so much time on Pintrest, cause I am. :) Sorry these pictures aren't the best. Which brings me to my next tip of the day. I hate doing post on blogger, as I have done here. I started using Windows Live Writer and it is amazing the difference in ease of posting. Check it out. It's free to download. Here.

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute! i am excited to the day that I remember and Devon has time to cut my board so I can make one too!
