Sunday, September 19, 2010

Macaroni and Cheese, I can't help myself!

So I was just thinking about this today. I love mac and Cheese, but not just any mac and cheese, Kraft Mac and Cheese. I refuse to eat the regular Kraft Mac and Cheese it has to be in the form of spirals or cartoon shapes, it just tastes better that way. So that is my thought for the day, Oh and that's probably why I am not loosing any weight. Ha ha.


  1. The spirals are my favorite. Now I am craving Mac and Cheese.

  2. I only like macaroni and cheese if i'm pregnant. No wait, that doesn't make sense. (I also don't know why i felt the need to type that first sentence, but i'm gonna leave it.) I like mac and cheese with kielbasa sausage in it. mmmm, sausage.

  3. Spirals are for sure better than regular! my favorite sunday afternoon treat

  4. It's true. The shaped kind is better. I've figured it out though. The cheese is able to get all over the noodle instead of just on the outside like in the regular macaroni.

  5. I think you've got it figured out Catherine. I was just going to say that.
