Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Spy Jar

I found this on a website called Happy-Go-Lucky It is such a good idea I just had to share it. I think I will make them for church bags.

Supplies Needed:
•Plastic jar with lid
•Plastic Pellets
•20-30 small objects
•Self-Laminating Sheets
•Small piece of elastic - enough to stretch around the top of the jar
•Gather your small objects: I went through all my junk drawers and art supplies to get random objects: paper clip, penny, dime, screw, buttons, stickers, letter beads, fishing worm, etc. Anything I could find that was small enough to fit in the jar.
•Take a picture of the objects or create a list of the objects: I placed the objects on my printer/copy machine and made a color copy of all the objects. You could also take a picture of your objects and print the photo. The list of objects would be perfect for older children.
•Make smaller cards of objects: I cut the copy of my objects into 4 sections so the cards would be smaller.
•Laminate the cards: I took two cards and put them back to back. Then I used the Self-Laminating sheets to laminate the cards - two cards per sheet.
•Place all the objects into the jar.
•Pour in plastic pellets.
•Glue the lid to the jar: I placed super glue around the inside of the lid and placed the lid on the jar.
•Attach cards to jar: I punched a hole in the cards and put elastic through the hole. I wanted it to stretch around the top of the jar and easily come off when Connor was playing with it.
Spin the jar and start searching for the items shown on the cards. Connor was so excited to look for the different items and he was just as excited to shake the jar around.

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