Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kelsey's Favorite Books

Okay, so I'm a little late in the game. My favorite books are:
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery- The front cover looks like a romance novel, but it is by the author of the Anne of Green Gables books, so you know it is completely appropriate. I love it because it is a happy, fairytale tyope book, but realisitic. It isn't a thriller, but it is such a good story that you don't miss all the excitment of the Twilight Books.

Which brings me to my next favorite:
I have to admit that the Twiligh books are so fun to read.

I also love the Hunger Games series. The third book is supposed to some out in a month! They are a little gory, but really exciting. If you liked the Twilight books, you'll like these.

I also love Tuesdays With Morrie if you are looking for a deeper read. I love reading it with a highlighter because there are so many life lessons that he consolidates down to a few sentences. It is really insightful and makes you realize the blessings you have in your life.

I love Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice because it is a classic and I love the complex relationships. But really, I just can't helping craving a good love story with a happy ending. Especially with so few out there in reality.

Nothing too deep. But all fun.

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